At this rate it'll be a birthday (October) or Christmas present! I forgot how hard it is to get the threads buried in the cord. I'm working on the bookmark test to practice stitches and using colors.
Mom moved from her house to the empty trailer on my aunt's land. I was a little disappointed that she packed everything I made for her and put it all in storage, even bookmarks which I would have thought she might need at school. (For any non-family members that might read this, she's studying to be a Methodist pastor at the Wesley Theology school in Washington DC and will be there from June 20 thru December.)
It would be better if I could get out of my own way. I'm so tired all the time that I haven't been working on much of anything. My doctors are at a loss because the usual blood tests come back normal. I still haven't found a job so that is stressful, too. It's a good thing mom doesn't know to expect this since I'm not sure when I'll be able to get it finished.
Here's what I have done on the bookmark so far.